Thursday, July 26, 2007

Six Months Old

Nolan had his 6 month check-up this afternoon. He's still a big boy measuring in at 29 inches (97+ percentile) and 21 lbs, 11 oz. (97th percentile). We got the green light from the doctor to start baby food. So Nolan had green beans for dinner tonight (along with rice cereal and his bottle) and he loved it! He scarfed down the green beans in no time flat. No funny face, no was a piece of cake. We'll try applesauce next.

Nolan's still drooling like crazy, grabbing at everything, putting any and everything in his mouth, and is enjoying seeing the world from a whole new vantage point now that he can sit on his own.

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Nolan Update

The latest on Nolan is that he can now sit on his own unsupported!

Nolan can also roll over both ways now - back to stomach and also stomach to back.

He has a third tooth that's about to break through on the bottom. Still no teeth on top yet.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Healthy Boy

Nolan's lingering cough is finally gone! It turns out that what started as a cold turned into a sinus infection at some point which is what caused him to have a cough that just wouldn't go away. Nolan's been on amoxicillin for the last week and he's now cough and congestion free!

Nolan had his first swimming lesson today. There are five kids in the class. Nolan is definitely the youngest - the other four are between 1-2 years old. So Nolan couldn't do several of the activities since he's not crawling or walking yet, but we still had fun splashing and kicking in the kiddie pool and playing motor boat! =) Nolan's definitely not afraid of water.

We had Nolan try out a sippy cup yesterday just for fun. He actually did pretty well with it. He instinctively grabbed both handles and put the spout to his mouth. He was able to drink some of the water, but a lot of water also ended up down the front of his shirt! We'll keep practicing!

We hope everyone had a great holiday.

Monday, July 2, 2007

Big Weekend

Nolan sure has done a lot in the last four days! We drove to Cincinnati last Thursday morning to visit Grandma and Grandpa. Nolan also got to meet most of Daddy's high school friends that night. Then on Friday we drove down to the family farm in Paris, KY for the Hurter reunion which was on Saturday. Nolan got to meet lots of family and he didn't lack for attention that day!

And if that wasn't a busy enough of a weekend, we drove back on Sunday morning to go to Great Grandma Hamman's 90th birthday party. It was a great day and a fabulous tribute to a wonderful lady! There were about 170 people there! Nolan was a hit...continually getting passed around throughout the afternoon while meeting several family members for the first time. He was definitely a trooper this weekend and did really well with it all. He was a tired boy by the time we finally got back home yesterday. He slept almost 13 hours last night and took two good naps today on top of that! I think he's fully recovered now! Speaking of sleeping, when he's in his crib, Nolan will without fail roll over and fall asleep on his stomach. Sleeping on his tummy is definitely Nolan's favorite sleeping position right now.

Nolan's still enjoying rice cereal and is now having that twice a day. In a few weeks he'll start baby food.

We hope you're all doing well. Have a great 4th!