Monday, June 22, 2009

Cole is 1 month old!

Nolan's "Friends"

Nolan is doing well and has been a great big brother. He is completely obsessed with trains these days. He refers to Thomas & Friends as "my friends" and he carries them everywhere and is very possesive of them. Good luck asking Nolan if you can play with them. No such luck. And at naptime and bedtime, he's insistent that his friends get lined up on the dresser so he can see them. It's actually pretty cute. He knows them all by name and he would watch Thomas shows all day long if I would let him.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Lake Geneva Visit

Great Grandma Betty meeting Cole:

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Getting Settled In...

Things are going well on our end. Having two kids is definitely a whole different ball game than having one. Needless to say we're both wiped out at the end of the day! Cole is such a sweet little baby and very mellow. George and Becky left this past Tuesday. It was absolutely wonderful having them here...they were so helpful. Then my mom came out on Thursday morning and stayed with us for a couple days and that was also a huge help. Dave's birthday was on Thursday so the two of us were able to get away for a little bit and do dinner and a movie which was nice. Nolan has been a wonderful big brother so far and hasn't had any jealousy issues. He calls him both "Baby Cole" and "Cole Robert" which is so cute to hear him say. He'll frequently ask "Cole, are you doing ok?" So cute! It excites me to think that they'll end up being the best of buddies. Here's a slideshow of pictures from the past couple weeks. Enjoy!