Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Nolan's 1st Halloween

It's been fun dressing up Nolan the last couple days in his giraffe costume! We visited Grandma Jeanne's 1st grade classroom yesterday and the kids got a kick out of meeting Nolan. Then we drove over to Great Grandma Hamman's house and she made a fabulous lunch for myself, Grandpa Bob, and Uncle Ryan. Great Aunt Beth also stopped by Great Grandma Hamman's house to visit.

I had to work on Halloween, but Nolan got to be in a costume parade at daycare and he finger-painted a spider! We went trick-or-treating at our next door neighbors' houses when we got home. It was a fun day! Nolan crashed hard...he fell asleep for the night at 7:00.

Nolan amazes us each day with how mobile he is becoming! He is a really fast crawler now and is getting the hang out of cruising along furniture. Anything in Nolan's reach is fair game in his eyes and we really have to be careful as far as what he is grabbing! He really seems to love electronics - whether it be our laptop, power cords, remotes, or the TV!

Less than a week until Dave and I leave for Ireland! We're really excited about the trip! I'm trying not to think about the fact that I won't see Nolan for almost a week. The longest I've been away from him is 24 hours. I know he'll be in great hands though.

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Long Week

It's been awhile since I updated the site, but the Hurter household has pretty much been out of commission this past week. Last weekend, we all ended up catching the stomach flu. It started with Nolan who I'm convinced got it at daycare and then he gave it to us. Four of the six babies in Nolan's class got the flu the week prior, so I guess it was just a matter of time. And then in addition to me puking and being nauseous, I pinched the sciatic nerve in my lower back on Saturday and by Sunday, I could barely walk and definitely couldn't pick up Nolan. Dave was great and took care of Nolan and everything else while I laid on the couch reeking of Icy Hot! And poor Dave was achy and nauseous this whole time but was in the best shape between the two of us. So Dave and I both took sick days on Monday and sent Nolan to daycare since he seemed to be doing ok. I went to the doctor and she prescribed me Flexeril (muscle relaxer) and Naproxen (for pain) and by Wednesday morning I was feeling much better and went in to work. I pinched my sciatic nerve a couple years ago out of nowhere and I'm really hoping that this isn't a frequent occurrence. Dave and I are completely healthy now, but Nolan is now fighting a cold. It's just one thing after the next!

We were still able to get in some laughs last weekend. On Friday, I asked my mom if she would cut Nolan's hair. She had always cut my brothers' hair growing up and she cuts my Dad's hair to this day. So I thought this will be great. Nolan had another agenda. He was very squirmy and uncooperative. To make a long story short, Nolan ended up looking like he got in a fight with the clippers and the clippers won! He had 80's style "steps" in several different spots. Basically just visible lines all over the place. Plus he ended up having a nearly bald spot on the top of his head! Against my mom's wishes, I had her go back a couple different times to see if we could make it look any better and it just ended up making things worse each time! Looking back, it was pretty funny! So the next day, Dave and I took Nolan to KidSnips and they were able to make everything uniform. So that's why it looks like Nolan has a buzz now! He looks like he should be signing up for the ROTC! It'll grow back...that's what I keep telling myself! =)

We took Nolan to Sonny Acres pumpkin farm today. It was a gorgeous day. We went with our good friends Kevin, Susan, and their son Andrew. Nolan was too little to appreciate the trip, but I think he had fun going in the petting zoo and looking at all the animals.

The fun news around here is that Dave and I booked a trip to Ireland! We found a deal that was just too good to pass up. We're going November 6-12 and it'll be our first trip away from Nolan. Grandma Becky and Grandpa George are coming to our house to watch Nolan. We're really excited about the trip! Dave and I will also get to enjoy a night out next Saturday for my 30th birthday. Anne is coming over to babysit.

Nolan is doing great and he's going to turn 9 months old this week! We have a check-up on Monday. I just noticed a couple days ago that teeth 6 and 7 broke through. Over the last few days all Nolan has been saying is "ma-ma, ma-ma" which of course I'm loving! =) Not that he has made the connection that I'm "mama", but I'll still take it! Nolan is pulling himself to a standing position on pretty much anything that he can get his hands on. And he's starting to "cruise" along furniture.

I'm excited for Halloween...Nolan is going to be a giraffe. Do you think the neighbors will be on to me if I take Nolan trick-or-treating and collect candy? Will they realize that I'm just getting the candy for myself? =)

We hope you're all doing well. Take care and hopefully we'll see you soon!

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Watch out world!

It's a lot of fun watching Nolan each day as he discovers more about the world around him. Over the past week, he's gone from learning how to crawl to being very close to pulling himself up on furniture and his crib. Looks like we need to move the crib mattress down to the lowest setting! We just recently moved it to the middle setting and I thought that would be fine for awhile. Little did I know! And just over the last couple days, Nolan figured out that the crib is a great teether!!?? Agh! Not the nice new wooden crib! So I bought a crib rail protector that is made of this gummi material specifically for babies to be able to chew on. We'll see if it works. Where is the time going? Nolan is definitely more of a little boy now vs. a baby.