Thursday, October 4, 2007

Watch out world!

It's a lot of fun watching Nolan each day as he discovers more about the world around him. Over the past week, he's gone from learning how to crawl to being very close to pulling himself up on furniture and his crib. Looks like we need to move the crib mattress down to the lowest setting! We just recently moved it to the middle setting and I thought that would be fine for awhile. Little did I know! And just over the last couple days, Nolan figured out that the crib is a great teether!!?? Agh! Not the nice new wooden crib! So I bought a crib rail protector that is made of this gummi material specifically for babies to be able to chew on. We'll see if it works. Where is the time going? Nolan is definitely more of a little boy now vs. a baby.

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