It's that time of year again for holiday pictures. Getting two kids to cooperate (mainly Nolan) was stressful, but we managed to get some good ones. Happy holidays everyone!
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
...and now from Downers Grove!
Hi everybody! Sorry for the long blog hiatus. The move went well and we're starting to feel more and more settled. The boys are doing great. Cole just had his 6 month check-up and weighed in at 20 lb, 6 oz. and is 28 inches tall (95th percentile for both). He started rice cereal at 5 months and fruits/veggies baby food at 6 months. He has liked everything he has tried so far (squash, carrots, pears, peaches, applesauce) except for green beans. He made this horrible face and practically gagged throughout the feeding. He's starting to sit up on his own and is loving his Jumperoo these days. A few weeks ago, Cole finally started sleeping through the night!! So now Nolan and Cole go to bed at the same time (8:00ish), then Nolan wakes up at about 6:30am and Cole doesn't wake up until 7:00/7:30. I'll take that! It makes for two happy parents.
Nolan's latest obsession is puzzles! He can't get enough of them and it amazes us that he's doing 48 piece puzzles completely on his own. He was a ring bearer on November 7th in my cousin Bill's wedding. I was a little nervous about how it would go because I didn't know if he would freak out when he saw 200+ people watching him. It ended up going fine, but he got a little distracted in the first half of the aisle...started wandering into a pew, said "I don't want to go by myself" since he saw all the groomsmen and bridesmaids walk down in pairs (there wasn't a flower girl), he wanted to stop and play in the baptismal times! =) Dave ended up walking down with him for a little bit, then Nolan finally saw me standing at the end of the aisle holding the new Thomas train named "Bill" that Bill and Meghan gave him the night before. He then ran down the second half of the aisle to me. Pretty funny. We're staying busy during the week with various park district classes plus storyime at the library. I'm in the process of checking out preschools for Nolan. Registration is next month and he'll start next fall...most likely Tues, Wed, Thurs from 9:00-11:30. It'll be nice to get some 1-on-1 time with Cole on those days.
The following slideshows are my attempt to capture the last couple months. Enjoy!
10/11/09 - Sonny Acres Pumpkin Patch
10/31/09 - Halloween
11/1/09 - Cole's Baptism
The ceremony was very nice and Cole is a lucky little boy to have my brother Ryan and my cousin Jennie as his godparents. Grandpa George participated in the ceremony which made it that much more special.
Slideshow preview
Thanksgiving 2009 (Cincinnati)
All of the other pictures from the past couple months:
I post all of my pictures on Picasa, so at anytime you can check them out at
Nolan's latest obsession is puzzles! He can't get enough of them and it amazes us that he's doing 48 piece puzzles completely on his own. He was a ring bearer on November 7th in my cousin Bill's wedding. I was a little nervous about how it would go because I didn't know if he would freak out when he saw 200+ people watching him. It ended up going fine, but he got a little distracted in the first half of the aisle...started wandering into a pew, said "I don't want to go by myself" since he saw all the groomsmen and bridesmaids walk down in pairs (there wasn't a flower girl), he wanted to stop and play in the baptismal times! =) Dave ended up walking down with him for a little bit, then Nolan finally saw me standing at the end of the aisle holding the new Thomas train named "Bill" that Bill and Meghan gave him the night before. He then ran down the second half of the aisle to me. Pretty funny. We're staying busy during the week with various park district classes plus storyime at the library. I'm in the process of checking out preschools for Nolan. Registration is next month and he'll start next fall...most likely Tues, Wed, Thurs from 9:00-11:30. It'll be nice to get some 1-on-1 time with Cole on those days.
The following slideshows are my attempt to capture the last couple months. Enjoy!
10/11/09 - Sonny Acres Pumpkin Patch
10/31/09 - Halloween
11/1/09 - Cole's Baptism
The ceremony was very nice and Cole is a lucky little boy to have my brother Ryan and my cousin Jennie as his godparents. Grandpa George participated in the ceremony which made it that much more special.
Slideshow preview
Thanksgiving 2009 (Cincinnati)
All of the other pictures from the past couple months:
I post all of my pictures on Picasa, so at anytime you can check them out at
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
We're still here....
Sorry it's been so long. Between selling our old house, buying a new house and living at my parents' house for the last month, life has been a little hectic. But we're all hanging in there and doing well. Cole turned 4 months old yesterday...can you believe it! Time seems to be going a lot quicker with the second. We had his check-up on Monday night and he's doing great. He's 18 lbs, 4 oz. and 27 5/8 inches which is 97+ percentile for both height and weight. No surprise there...we grow 'em big! Just for comparison, Nolan was 19 lbs, 2 oz. and 27 inches at 4 months old. Cole is a sweet little boy and has a very mellow disposition. He just lights up when Nolan talks to him and you can just tell that Cole adores his big brother. Over the last couple weeks, Cole has started sleeping 7-8 hour stretches at night so that is a much welcomed change!! He's cooing/"talking" all the time and the doctor thinks it'll be no time before he's rolling over.

We closed on our old house on Tuesday, August 25th and closed on our new house in Downers Grove on Tuesday, September 15th. We hope to move in there in the next 3-4 weeks. We're getting the whole inside of the house repainted and new carpeting laid before we move in. We're really excited about the house and can't wait to have people over! We also had the back wooden deck ripped out and we're currently in the middle of having a Unilock patio installed. Here's a picture of the outside of the house. Don't mind the weeds...we're in the midst of getting the lawn and landscaping under control. It was a foreclosure and pretty much sat empty for the last year.
We've been able to squeeze in some fun despite all the craziness lately. Uncle Bob and Uncle Ryan took Nolan fishing for the first time and he caught his very first fish! It was cute...Nolan really enjoyed using his Spiderman fishing pool that he got as a 2nd b-day gift from Uncle Ryan.
Here's a slideshow of pics from that same weekend up at the lake. It was extra special because Jennie and Damien were back in the states visiting.
We discovered the River Trail Nature Center by our old house. It's along the Des Plaines River in Northbrook and has a nice walking trail. Nolan liked seeing the frogs and bald eagle and thought it was cool to use binoculars to look for birds. He was also really proud of himself using his big walking stick that he found as he used it on our "adventure walk".
One of the highlights of Nolan's summer was going to the "Day Out with Thomas" on August 22nd. It was at the Illinois Railway Museum in Union, IL and everything was Thomas themed and we even went on a train ride pulled by Thomas.

We helped Brandon Beth celebrate his 1st birthday on August 16th. Here's a picture of Nolan being very brave on the inflatable water slide they had set up for the party.
We went to Brookfield Zoo on Sept. 11th with our good friends Ronan & Josephine Marsh and Luke & Dexter Honda.

On Sept. 19th, we went to a party called "Paint the Town" in our friend Susan's hometown of Morrison, IL. It's a small town just north of I-88 just before you get to the Quad Cities. It's a cute city-wide party where you buy a 5x5 ft. square on the main street and the kids/adults paint until their heart is content. Most kids end up covered in paint. Nolan clearly displayed his love of yellow! It was a great day. Afterwards we went to Susan's parents' house where we BBQ'd, went on Ranger rides (that was even equipped with a car seat!), explored their farm, and the kids caught frogs.

Here's a slideshow of the rest of the pictures from the past couple months. Enjoy!
We closed on our old house on Tuesday, August 25th and closed on our new house in Downers Grove on Tuesday, September 15th. We hope to move in there in the next 3-4 weeks. We're getting the whole inside of the house repainted and new carpeting laid before we move in. We're really excited about the house and can't wait to have people over! We also had the back wooden deck ripped out and we're currently in the middle of having a Unilock patio installed. Here's a picture of the outside of the house. Don't mind the weeds...we're in the midst of getting the lawn and landscaping under control. It was a foreclosure and pretty much sat empty for the last year.
We've been able to squeeze in some fun despite all the craziness lately. Uncle Bob and Uncle Ryan took Nolan fishing for the first time and he caught his very first fish! It was cute...Nolan really enjoyed using his Spiderman fishing pool that he got as a 2nd b-day gift from Uncle Ryan.
We discovered the River Trail Nature Center by our old house. It's along the Des Plaines River in Northbrook and has a nice walking trail. Nolan liked seeing the frogs and bald eagle and thought it was cool to use binoculars to look for birds. He was also really proud of himself using his big walking stick that he found as he used it on our "adventure walk".
One of the highlights of Nolan's summer was going to the "Day Out with Thomas" on August 22nd. It was at the Illinois Railway Museum in Union, IL and everything was Thomas themed and we even went on a train ride pulled by Thomas.
We helped Brandon Beth celebrate his 1st birthday on August 16th. Here's a picture of Nolan being very brave on the inflatable water slide they had set up for the party.
We went to Brookfield Zoo on Sept. 11th with our good friends Ronan & Josephine Marsh and Luke & Dexter Honda.
On Sept. 19th, we went to a party called "Paint the Town" in our friend Susan's hometown of Morrison, IL. It's a small town just north of I-88 just before you get to the Quad Cities. It's a cute city-wide party where you buy a 5x5 ft. square on the main street and the kids/adults paint until their heart is content. Most kids end up covered in paint. Nolan clearly displayed his love of yellow! It was a great day. Afterwards we went to Susan's parents' house where we BBQ'd, went on Ranger rides (that was even equipped with a car seat!), explored their farm, and the kids caught frogs.
Here's a slideshow of the rest of the pictures from the past couple months. Enjoy!
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Hurter Family Photo Shoot
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Recap of the last month
Here are a couple of pictures that make me smile! Cole is smiling now...he started at about six weeks old and now he flashes us big grins all the time which we love.

Ever since Cole was born, life has been pretty crazy at the Hurter household. On top of having a newborn and getting used to life with two kids, we accepted an offer on our house on June 2nd with a July 20th close date!? Our house had been on the market for almost ten months. Cole was only a week and a half old at the time when we accepted the offer! not much tme to find a place and move. We're focusing our home search in Downers Grove. With the closing quickly approaching, we still hadn't found a place yet so Plan B was to live with my parents until we found something. Then...the Friday before the closing we get a call from our lawyer saying that the buyer's mortgage was denied at the last've got to be kidding me! Half of our house was in boxes at this point. To make a long story short...we have a new close date set (August 24th) and it looks like the buyers will be able to get a mortgage through another lender. Thank God we hadn't bought another house yet! We're still house hunting and have a couple good prospects. We'll most likely still be moving in with my parents for a little bit though unless we make an offer on something really quickly and can get a quick closing date.
Despite the craziness, we were able to get away to the lake at the end of June. My parents took Nolan up on Thursday and Dave, Cole, and I came up on Saturday. We went to a fly-in at the small local airport which Nolan really enjoyed. They also had a pancake breakfast there so Nolan was loving life...airplanes and pancakes. We also went to the annual neighborhood summer party. Here's a slideshow of pictures from that weekend:
Becky and George came in for a visit over the 4th and we had a nice time sticking close to home. This is the first time that we've stayed in Mt. Prospect for the 4th and it was fun taking Nolan to the parade. They don't mess around in Mt. Prospect...the parade was an hour and 45 minutes long with over 100 entries. And it seemed like everyone in the parade was throwing candy so Nolan had fun chasing after that. We also went to the Mt. Prospect pancake breakfast that morning. Do you notice a theme here...our little guy loves pancakes!! Having George and Becky here was especially helpful because it let Dave and I scoot away to go look at houses without taking along two kids. We made an offer on a house that weekend and had a few rounds of negotiations back and forth, but we ultimately didn't meet on a price. We think they're overpriced and we kind of think we could still ultimately end up at the house if we just sit tight and wait it out. The sellers are building a house which is done in October and we think they'll start getting nervous at the thought of two mortgages. Time will tell. Here are pics from the 4th and others from this summer:
I can't believe that Cole turned two months yesterday. This maternity leave has flown by. I'm supposed to return back to work this coming Monday. After a lot of thought, I came to the decision that I really want to be a full-time stay at home mom. Right now I'm working part-time (20 hours/week). With that, I had to make the dreaded call to my boss last Friday to give her my two weeks notice. I was so nervous. They have been so good to me at Hospira and I've had such a great part-time set-up since Nolan was born. But I just know for me personally, trying to juggle work with two kids is going to be too much. I feel fortunate that we're in a situation that I'm able to stay home. I'll go into the office this Monday to turn in my laptop and clean out my desk. Then marks the beginning of a new chapter in my life. I think it will be wonderful. June 17th was Nolan's last day at daycare which was bittersweet. They have been wonderful with him and he has learned so much by being in daycare. He's been going twice a week since he was 15 weeks old. He really enjoys his friends and teachers there and I'm hoping he likes staying home with mommy full-time just as much. =) Here are pics from his last day:
Cole is doing great and growing like a weed! At 1 month old he was 11 lb, 11 oz. and at his six week check-up he was 13 lb, 8 oz and 24 inches!! He had grown 4 inches and 5 pounds in six weeks! We grow 'em big! He's been in 6 month clothes now for the past couple weeks. Nolan is so good with Cole...he's very sweet and gentle and has no jealousy towards him...knock on wood. It's been a fun, crazy ride so far and we wouldn't change it for anything! We hope you're all doing well and enjoying your summer.
Ever since Cole was born, life has been pretty crazy at the Hurter household. On top of having a newborn and getting used to life with two kids, we accepted an offer on our house on June 2nd with a July 20th close date!? Our house had been on the market for almost ten months. Cole was only a week and a half old at the time when we accepted the offer! not much tme to find a place and move. We're focusing our home search in Downers Grove. With the closing quickly approaching, we still hadn't found a place yet so Plan B was to live with my parents until we found something. Then...the Friday before the closing we get a call from our lawyer saying that the buyer's mortgage was denied at the last've got to be kidding me! Half of our house was in boxes at this point. To make a long story short...we have a new close date set (August 24th) and it looks like the buyers will be able to get a mortgage through another lender. Thank God we hadn't bought another house yet! We're still house hunting and have a couple good prospects. We'll most likely still be moving in with my parents for a little bit though unless we make an offer on something really quickly and can get a quick closing date.
Despite the craziness, we were able to get away to the lake at the end of June. My parents took Nolan up on Thursday and Dave, Cole, and I came up on Saturday. We went to a fly-in at the small local airport which Nolan really enjoyed. They also had a pancake breakfast there so Nolan was loving life...airplanes and pancakes. We also went to the annual neighborhood summer party. Here's a slideshow of pictures from that weekend:
Becky and George came in for a visit over the 4th and we had a nice time sticking close to home. This is the first time that we've stayed in Mt. Prospect for the 4th and it was fun taking Nolan to the parade. They don't mess around in Mt. Prospect...the parade was an hour and 45 minutes long with over 100 entries. And it seemed like everyone in the parade was throwing candy so Nolan had fun chasing after that. We also went to the Mt. Prospect pancake breakfast that morning. Do you notice a theme here...our little guy loves pancakes!! Having George and Becky here was especially helpful because it let Dave and I scoot away to go look at houses without taking along two kids. We made an offer on a house that weekend and had a few rounds of negotiations back and forth, but we ultimately didn't meet on a price. We think they're overpriced and we kind of think we could still ultimately end up at the house if we just sit tight and wait it out. The sellers are building a house which is done in October and we think they'll start getting nervous at the thought of two mortgages. Time will tell. Here are pics from the 4th and others from this summer:
I can't believe that Cole turned two months yesterday. This maternity leave has flown by. I'm supposed to return back to work this coming Monday. After a lot of thought, I came to the decision that I really want to be a full-time stay at home mom. Right now I'm working part-time (20 hours/week). With that, I had to make the dreaded call to my boss last Friday to give her my two weeks notice. I was so nervous. They have been so good to me at Hospira and I've had such a great part-time set-up since Nolan was born. But I just know for me personally, trying to juggle work with two kids is going to be too much. I feel fortunate that we're in a situation that I'm able to stay home. I'll go into the office this Monday to turn in my laptop and clean out my desk. Then marks the beginning of a new chapter in my life. I think it will be wonderful. June 17th was Nolan's last day at daycare which was bittersweet. They have been wonderful with him and he has learned so much by being in daycare. He's been going twice a week since he was 15 weeks old. He really enjoys his friends and teachers there and I'm hoping he likes staying home with mommy full-time just as much. =) Here are pics from his last day:
Cole is doing great and growing like a weed! At 1 month old he was 11 lb, 11 oz. and at his six week check-up he was 13 lb, 8 oz and 24 inches!! He had grown 4 inches and 5 pounds in six weeks! We grow 'em big! He's been in 6 month clothes now for the past couple weeks. Nolan is so good with Cole...he's very sweet and gentle and has no jealousy towards him...knock on wood. It's been a fun, crazy ride so far and we wouldn't change it for anything! We hope you're all doing well and enjoying your summer.
Monday, June 22, 2009
Nolan's "Friends"
Nolan is doing well and has been a great big brother. He is completely obsessed with trains these days. He refers to Thomas & Friends as "my friends" and he carries them everywhere and is very possesive of them. Good luck asking Nolan if you can play with them. No such luck. And at naptime and bedtime, he's insistent that his friends get lined up on the dresser so he can see them. It's actually pretty cute. He knows them all by name and he would watch Thomas shows all day long if I would let him.
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Getting Settled In...
Things are going well on our end. Having two kids is definitely a whole different ball game than having one. Needless to say we're both wiped out at the end of the day! Cole is such a sweet little baby and very mellow. George and Becky left this past Tuesday. It was absolutely wonderful having them here...they were so helpful. Then my mom came out on Thursday morning and stayed with us for a couple days and that was also a huge help. Dave's birthday was on Thursday so the two of us were able to get away for a little bit and do dinner and a movie which was nice. Nolan has been a wonderful big brother so far and hasn't had any jealousy issues. He calls him both "Baby Cole" and "Cole Robert" which is so cute to hear him say. He'll frequently ask "Cole, are you doing ok?" So cute! It excites me to think that they'll end up being the best of buddies. Here's a slideshow of pictures from the past couple weeks. Enjoy!
Monday, May 25, 2009
Welcome to the world Cole Robert Hurter!
Dave and I were so excited to meet our newest little man on Friday, May 22, 2009. He was born via a planned C-section at 10:48am and was 8 lb, 14 oz. and 20 inches. Everything went very smoothly and Cole is a very healthy little baby. We're heading home tomorrow where the true test begins of what life will be like with two kids! =)
Here is a slideshow of all the hospital pics. You can double-click on any of the pictures and it will bring you to the Picasa website where you can see a bigger version of the slideshow.
Here is a slideshow of all the hospital pics. You can double-click on any of the pictures and it will bring you to the Picasa website where you can see a bigger version of the slideshow.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
This baby has a mind of its own already!
So our little guy is still completely transverse (sideways). It could make for a trickier C-section, so please say a prayer that everything goes smoothly this Friday. My C-section is scheduled for 10:30am Friday morning. Less than three days away! We'll keep everyone posted. We appreciate all your well wishes...thank you! We're so excited to meet our little boy and anxious to have Nolan meet his little brother!
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Baby Shower for Baby Boy Hurter #2
My mom hosted a small family baby shower for me which was really sweet. It was fun having an afternoon with the girls. Everyone was so generous...thanks for hosting Mom! We can't wait for everyone to meet our new little guy!
Sunday, April 12, 2009
One Yellow Egg!
We spent Easter weekend up at my parents' house in Fontana, WI. It was a nice change of pace and good to get away for a little bit. I think the funniest part of the weekend had to be the Easter Egg Hunt. We had "practiced" at the house before going over by having a mini Easter egg hunt in the family room. Nolan seemed to totally get it and loved putting all the different eggs in his basket. So we get there and it's roped off by age which was nice, so Nolan was in the "2 & under" category. He tells us right before the start that he only wanted yellow eggs. So here's all these kids going to town and filling their baskets and Nolan would pick up eggs and put them back on the ground if they weren't yellow. And here we are saying "It's ok Nolan, just put them in your basket..." Nolan definitely has a mind of his own...he only wanted yellow. So at the end of the hunt, how many eggs does Nolan have in his basket?? One! We're thinking he was the only kid to leave there with only one egg, but he was completely content so that's what made it especially funny. Yellow is definitely his favorite color right now.
Overall, it was a fun weekend...lots of quality time with Mana Jeanne, Papa, & Uncle Ryan. We went out to eat a couple times, colored Easter eggs, read lots of books, went to the park, made cookies, and explored Uncle Ryan's new boat and new house which is just a couple blocks away.
Friday, April 10, 2009
Playdate at Elliot's House
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Grandpa George and Mana Becky's Visit
We enjoyed a nice visit from Becky and George and celebrated an early Easter with them. Nolan just adores them and he loves when they visit. When they're here, he asks for them right away when he wakes up. We enjoyed storytime at the library, a trip to the park, and a visit to the children's museum. We had a lot of time to kill outside the house because we had five showings in three days while they were here. They were troopers helping us get the house together each time we got a call. They joined us on Saturday night at our friend Jeff and Bonnie's house to watch the Final Four games. I think they got a kick out of seeing a bunch of our friends' little ones all running around. They'll be back in town to help when the baby is born and we're so grateful for their willingness to help with whatever!!
Nolan discovered a fun, new way to travel! I think Becky (or at least her back) is eventually going to regret offering piggy-back rides!

We were proud of Nolan for being so adaptable and sleeping on an Aerobed so that George and Becky could have a bed. We're definitely outgrowing this house!
Nolan says "Thanks for the Easter basket!"
Nolan loves the stuffed alligator that he also got from Mana Becky and Grandpa George for Easter:
Nolan discovered a fun, new way to travel! I think Becky (or at least her back) is eventually going to regret offering piggy-back rides!
We were proud of Nolan for being so adaptable and sleeping on an Aerobed so that George and Becky could have a bed. We're definitely outgrowing this house!
Nolan says "Thanks for the Easter basket!"
Nolan loves the stuffed alligator that he also got from Mana Becky and Grandpa George for Easter:
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