Thursday, May 10, 2007

Busy Week

It's been a busy week for Nolan. He did great on our road trip to Cincinnati and KY. He slept about 75% of the time we were in the car. I'm thinking that will definitely change as he gets older. Nolan got to meet lots of new people including a bunch of family on the Hurter side.

Nolan started daycare this week and is doing great with it. It's so cute to watch him closely observe all the other babies. The only difficult part with daycare so far is that Nolan isn't napping very well when he's there. Too many new sights and sounds I guess. They said it's very normal for babies to take awhile to get used to their new surroundings. I go back to work on Monday.

As far as what's new with Nolan....he has now officially found his thumb. I'm not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing? It makes the bedtime routine much easier. He hasn't put up much of a fight at night now that he has his thumb to suck on. Nolan is now pretty much able to support his head when sitting. He'll be ready for that high chair in a few weeks when we start him on rice cereal!

We're going to spend Mother's Day at Grandma Jeanne and Grandpa Bob's house.

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