Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Our little boy is getting so big!

We took Nolan to the Wisconsin State Fair this past weekend with my parents. He enjoyed seeing all the different animals and going on a carousel ride with Grandpa Bob!

Nolan had his 18 month check-up last night and is still growing like a weed. He is 28 lbs, 8 oz. (80th percentile) and 34 inches (90th percentile). We knew that the pediatrician would ask us how many words Nolan can say, so on the drive over Dave and I did some brianstorming. Here is a list of the words Nolan can say on his own: mama, dada, hi, bye, ball, dog, truck, airplane, choo-choo, up, hot, off, beep, bubble, milk, applesauce, Cheerios, shoe, socks, box, Elmo, No, tractor, Moo, "all done", more, and nana (for banana). I'm sure there are a few more that I can't think of off the top of my head...but basically Nolan is now saying twenty-something words and can repeat even more. It's great being able to communicate with him more and more. Here's a clip of Nolan saying one of his latest words:

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