Friday, April 25, 2008

15 Months Old

Nolan will be 15 months old tomorrow! He's getting so big! We have his check-up on Monday night. He is really good at walking now and it amazes me how fast he can walk already. He's on the verge of being able to run. He's also really getting into climbing lately, especially onto the fireplace ledge. His latest new trick is giving kisses! Dave and I were just eating it up last night when he started doing it out of the blue. It's so adorable...he puckers up and walks over with a big wet one! And half the time he gives us a big open-mouth kiss which is hilarious.

I think Nolan is ready to transition to one nap a day. He's been taking great morning naps lately but it's been taking a really long time for him to fall asleep in the afternoon. He just sits and talks in his crib for the longest time. So I think I'm going to try one afternoon nap (right after lunch) and see how he does with that.

Have a great weekend!

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