This is what Nolan told me as I put him to bed on Christmas Eve. He is definitely starting to get the concept of Santa which was cute to watch. Nolan really enjoyed his 2nd Christmas. On Christmas Eve, we went to the children's service at our church, then had fondue at our house with some of my family and Becky and George. Yum! We spent Christmas morning at our house opening gifts, then went over to Grandma Jeanne and Papa's house for dinner. Nolan thoroughly loved opening his presents and has been having fun playing with all of them. He's especially loving the basketball hoop, books, and safari animal set from Santa, a tabletop easel from Bob and Laurie, a big stuffed dinosaur (duckador as Nolan calls it) from Uncle Ryan, a motorized ride-on truck from "Mana" Jeanne & Papa!, Mr. Potato Head and Tonka trucks from Uncle Boo, Aunt Jeanne, David, & John, a Finding Nemo View-Master from Aunt Beth and Uncle Keith, and a portable DVD player from "Mana" Becky and "Pada" George which was a livesaver on our 7+ hour drive this weekend (January 2nd) to the Hurter Christmas party in KY. Nolan even got a cool Budapest T-shirt from his world traveler cousin Jennie who was back in the states for Christmas. It was so great seeing her.
Fondue at our house on Christmas Eve:

Check out my new animals!

What could it be?

A basketball hoop!

Family pic on Christmas morning.

Nolan made us a plaster handprint at daycare. These are the best kinds of gifts!

Nolan loves looking at pictures on the camera after I take them.

Nolan took Jennie's hat right off her head and wanted to wear it!

1 comment:
I had NO idea that you all had a blog - I'm adding you to my reader right now! So exciting!
Oh, and we got Levi one of those kid-proof digital cameras for Christmas because he loved looking at the pictures too. He is hilarious with the camera - he has to take pictures of everything!
I hate that we missed the reunion today - it was important for me to be at the funeral today and I really needed Garet there for support!
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